Could wedding ring count as the dowry?

Well, yeah, if you accept it as that.

Anything that can be bought and sold can be the mahr. So if it has value and it could be exchanged, then it's valid as the mahr.

My only thing is make sure that you're okay with the value. Don't like go crazy. Okay. And also don't devalue yourself.

Oh, I just want a flower. And then the flower dies. But if you want to ring, make sure it's something that's that's a value to you. The point behind the mahr is not to become like a parallel support system, but it should have value that a woman can use at some time.

And it should be like an avatar for the man's ability to care for her after marriage.

The problem is when you shoot too high in the mahr scale, you actually force the guy to go into debt. And then you wonder why isn't my life is glowing and wonderful after I got married as I thought it was going to be.

He gave me this giant rock on top of a gold ring. And it's because he's still paying the debt.


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