Do you think that men and women respond differently to therapy?

A lot of men could be like, I'm not just going to sit and talk about my feelings versus, I now hear that there's different modes of doing therapy.

I think it's how it's pitched.

A lot of times for men. If I pitch it as look, this issue, be it temper, be it pornography addiction, be it anxiety, is interfering with your ability to be qa'im, to be a leader for your family, to do what's right. Rather than, hey, let's just talk about your feelings.

They're much more receptive to it.

Because then it's about self improvement. It's about growth. And it's like, okay, cool I hate talking about my feelings, but if this is what I have to do grow, alhamdulillah. So it depends on how it's pitched.

I don't want to generalize, but maybe sometimes for sisters, they're just like, look, I just want a safe place to be able to share my feelings and I want the kind of that sounding board and so on.

Right. So it depends on how you pitch it to the person.


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