Does a prenup need to be signed by a lawyer or can it just be notarized?

Okay, so the law is gray.

And those three factors that I mentioned earlier on, both sides need to have an attorney, both sides need financial disclosure, and you want to make sure that it's not signed too close to the marriage or without duress.

This is a sliding scale, okay?

Nothing in law is black and white, to be honest.

The more you have of this the stronger of a prenuptial agreement you're going to have. The less of these factors you have the less strong it's going to be.

So theoretically a agreement that has the other elements, for example, financial disclosure and has no duress and there's no lawyers involved.

It could theoretically be enforceable, but as a lawyer, I would say, no, you need to be careful and make sure you have lawyers on both sides.

So I can't say it needs to be, it must be, I can say a prenup is stronger when it is signed by the lawyers.


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