Does prenup agreement cause distrust between couples?

The way that it's being purported now, yes.

But I'm hoping inshaAllah through these classes that we make prenups more regular.

And I think amongst the younger generation this is becoming more accepted.

There's that stigma and that taboo around it is kind of going away because we've seen the impact of divorces.

So I don't know if a prenup causes distrust.

I think rather if you're going to have to fully disclose your assets to the other partner, that might actually enhance the trust because now you know what's going to happen God forbid if you divorce.

And number two, the way that the divorce laws are kind of structured right now, it almost incentivizes divorce for one party or the other.

So what a prenup can do is take away that financial leverage or that financial reason to get divorced.

Maybe somebody's getting $3,000 a month, they talk to a lawyer and they realize I can get $6,000 because I'm gonna get child support, alimony and now that becomes a factor of getting divorced.

So I think that it can increase the trust rather than decreasing


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