Have you dealt with cross cultural divorces?

Are there common issues you see there, or advice to consider with prenups in this instance?

Yes. I've done, unfortunately a lot of cross cultural divorces. Just as many as same culture.

The common issues that I see is the family involvement.

And also when it comes to the givens in a culture, there's a misalignment sometimes of values, more or less, obviously there's Islamic values that are going to be overarching, but certain things as it relates to how you respect people, how you're supposed to treat guests, how you're supposed to treat parents, how you're supposed to treat deal with money, charity, those types of things could be different as it comes to cross cultural marriages.

You also see a lot of family drama. It could be in a desi or arab marriage as well, but in cross cultural, you'll see that kind of butting its head a little bit more. And then when it comes to prenups, again, prenups are important. I think whether you're cross cultural, whether you've known this person for 30 years, same cultural, to me, that doesn't necessarily make it more desirable to get a prenup.

I would say in any instance, you should get a prenup. And when it comes to cross cultural marriages, it's very important to go through premarital counseling because there might be a lot of things in the marriage that you don't necessarily even think about until the time comes, right?

The time comes on. Hey, you didn't do this for my parents or you didn't do this, you know, after we woke up or you didn't do X, Y, Z that can have an impact on the marriage. So I think premarital counseling is very important in any cultural marriage, but especially cross cultural marriages.


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