If both are college students and don't really make much money, would a prenup even make sense?

I think this is the perfect time to bring up a prenup, right? Because at this point you don't have money. You don't have that attachment to the money.

And I think at this situation, you would assess okay. What are we doing? Are we both going to be working? Okay, if we're both going to be working we have a similar level of education. Then I would say the wife's money is the wife's money. The husband's money is the husband's money.

He should pay for the housing and the clothing and the food and whatever his Islamic responsibilities are.

If we divorce, you each keep your own money. Maybe if the wife sacrificed her career or limited her hours then maybe there should be some type of recompense for that.

Some type of payment to help get back up.

But beyond that, I think it makes sense to establish that at the time when you still don't have money because it's a much less sensitive topic at that point.


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