Is a divorce from another country recognized in the U.S.?

Is that divorce going to be recognized? Or do you have to go through that divorce again?

If you've got a divorce in a different country, and now you come back to America.

Is that divorce going to be recognized? Or do you have to go through that divorce again?

So it depends on how you went through that divorce and the other country. If you got a divorce without the other spouse being involved, without giving notice to the other spouse it is likely that America is not going to abide by it.

America will recognize foreign divorce decrees if they go through the same due process as an American court would.

Like if you provide notice, they had the ability to participate in the case and it resolves all issues.

In many other countries, the only declaration that a panel is making is that of divorce, but they're not talking about property and they're not talking about custody.

And the other thing too, is that in many other countries, a lot of divorces are done through community panels and boards rather than the government.

So the US is going to require a judicial decree of divorce in which due process was conducted in accordance to American law.


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