What is the main takeaway that we should keep in mind when it deals with interfering in laws?

The ability to navigate and deal with in laws is relative to the strength of the couple. And the strength of the couple is relative to the strength of the individual. Work on yourself understand some of your own insecurities and pain points and so on.

I'll share personally.

I was a single dad for a number of years, Alhamdulillah. I love my son like anything.

And for the longest time I had this feeling that I always had to prove that I was a good dad.

That led to a certain insecurity that anytime anybody gave any type of advice.

I would get defensive unnecessarily.

Are you saying I'm not a good dad.

And I had to work on that because it's like wait a minute.

If my parents are saying something. If somebody else is saying something.

They're not saying you're a bad father. You don't have to keep getting defensive. That's on you. That's your own insecurity, right?

And I had to work on that. And obviously that makes a difference because now my wife who obviously has a big role in my son's life as well.

If she has an opinion, she has an idea.

I'm not gonna be defensive. I'm gonna think this is a collaborative effort, but had I not dealt with that insecurity, there would have been problems.

Strengthen yourself as an individual, understand your own like emotions, traumas, pain points, work through them.


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