What real life examples do you personally suggest be added to the nikah contract?

What do you personally suggest be added to the nikah contract?

So, I think that everything related to assets and liabilities need to be clarified before the wedding.

You need to know what you're getting into, and unfortunately we have a lot of tropes out there that negotiating these things is going to wrong women and advantage men.

And it's not the truth because both of you are equal parties and have equal right for everything to be disclosed before the marriage.

So, when you do that and you see that this man has a bunch of debt, you can say, okay, well before I agree to marry you, what are you gonna do about all this debt?

Or, a man might see that the woman has a lot of debt and he might say.

What is your plan to pay down all of this debt?

A lot of times there are unspoken expectations about those type of things.

When you negotiate these things up front, you actually can find out a lot about what that person values and what kind of character they have.


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