Will the khula still hold if the wife decides to keep the mahr?

Is the khula stipulated on the act of her returning the mahr?

I believe there's agreement between all scholars that the khula in order to be valid, then the mahr must be given back in whole or in part.

And so if there's going to be negotiation about how much of the mahr is going to be returned, then that can be negotiated, but something has to be returned.

It can't be simply with nothing.

And that is so the man when he's the breaching party, he's going to bear some expense and kind of feel the sting of his actions and the woman is going to feel the same.

So, the general agreement is that there has to be some financial compensation given.

Either part or whole of the mahr and I believe the majority of scholars consider anything given above and beyond the amount of the mahr to not be allowed.


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